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Social Media Day 2023: Connecting the Digital and Physical Worlds

Social Media Day

Social Media DaySocial Media Day is an annual celebration that recognizes the impact of social media in transforming the way we connect, communicate, and share information. This year we celebrate it on the 30th of July. In 2023, the connection of  the Digital and Physical Worlds takes center stage, highlighting the growing importance of bridging the gap between our online presence and tangible experiences. We will explore the significance of Social Media Day and delve into an insightful interview with the Social Media Manager of AxiomPrint.

Embracing the Digital Revolution and Bridging the Gap

Social media has revolutionized the way we interact with one another, making the world more interconnected than ever before. It has become an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we consume news, engage with brands, and connect with friends and family. The digital realm offers us convenience, instant communication, and access to a vast global network.

There has always been the issue of connecting the real world with the virtual one. The key to connecting the digital and physical worlds lies in seamlessly integrating online strategies with tangible touchpoints. Businesses today have the unique opportunity to leverage social media platforms as powerful tools for engaging their audience and driving them towards real-world experiences. By strategically incorporating both realms, businesses can create a cohesive and immersive brand experience that resonates with their customers.

Exclusive Interview with Social Media Manager of AxiomPrint

To gain further insights into the effective integration of the digital and physical worlds, we spoke with our Social Media Manager. First we discussed the role of a social media manager in today’s digital landscape:

“Social Media has become one of the most powerful ways of brand awareness and communication with customers. And we as the people behind these platforms ensure the smooth management of all these. Deciding the right strategy, making necessary arrangements and changes on time, adapting to the ongoing situation and many more is what we are responsible for to have a presence on social media that our customers and followers love and are engaged in.”

What strategies do you use to foster engagement and interaction with followers?

“The most important thing is to give followers something they are interested in. Whenever they come across content that is appealing, informative and engaging at the same time, they react and give feedback.”

Absolutely, feedback is incredibly important. Feedback provides perspectives that can help businesses understand their strengths, areas for improvement. And because we are a printing company, let’s talk about print materials and if there any specific types of print materials that have proven to be particularly effective in social media campaigns?

“Statistically, business cards and different kinds of boxes are those products. But in general people love seeing the printing process and how different materials go through the printing journey. Creating printed products and branding materials from scratch is one of the most popular content among our followers.”

And last question for today: what advice would you give to businesses looking to improve their social media strategies?

“As I mentioned above, giving content that matches the interests of your followers is the most important thing to make sure you are engaging your followers. It is also a very successful practice to have some quizzes and Q&As with followers, asking them what they like most, what they would want to be different, what kind of content they would like to see more. Being on the same page with followers helps to have the right strategy and improve the online presence. What helps a lot and is a very good idea to stick to, is basing your strategy and content on analytics. Numbers are the best at showing what your next steps should be to improve the current situation.”


Through the interview, we gained insights into the power of social media platforms in generating interest. As we celebrate Social Media Day 2023, it is evident that connecting the digital and physical worlds is not just a trend but a strategic approach to engage with our audience on multiple levels. By combining the strengths of online platforms with tangible touchpoints, businesses can create immersive experiences that resonate deeply with customers, foster loyalty, and drive real-world interactions.


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