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Importance of Greeting Cards

Customized Greeting Cards

Importance of Greeting Cards

Customized Greeting CardsEvery year on Christmas morning, Greta wakes up early to unwrap the gifts under her Christmas tree. She sees a gift with a greeting card addressed to her. She opens the card first. The card is from her grandma whom she hasn’t been able to see in several months due to her being far away. She reads the beautiful message from her grandma and when she opens the gift, it’s far more meaningful than if she had received the same gift without a card.

Receiving a sentimental message from the gifter emotionally connects you to the gift, which makes the gift that much sweeter.

The idea of writing a positive greeting or message dates back to the Egyptians. In the New Year, people were gifted scent bottles with an inscription. Romans would do something similar with lamps and have an inscription. In the 1400s, Europeans would engrave inscriptions on wood which is the closest to the modern day greeting cards since it was just a piece of wood with a message from the heart. In the 1700s and 1800s, people started engraving messages on sheets of copper. According to most historians, the very first Christmas greeting card dates back to 1840 in England where a thousand copies were printed to be sold. Twenty years later in 1860, greeting cards became a commercialized product.

The intent all throughout the centuries has been the same, to pass on good and loving sentiment to someone else.

Whether it be a friend or familial relationship, greetings cards are here to stay. There’s no denying the warm and cozy feeling you get when you open a card and see a handwritten message from a loved one. This Christmas, either print your own custom designs of greeting cards from us or order one of our readymade sets. Our set of 6 uniquely designed cards come with elements of foil and raised spot UV to stand out. Plus, they come with beautiful green envelopes and stickers to seal the cards.

What are you waiting for?


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